2017 Conference to be Held in Irvine, California

Join St Phoebe Center

A 2017 Pan-Orthodox Conference hosted by the St. Phoebe Center for the Deaconess will be held October 6 & 7, 2017 at Saint Paul’s Greek Orthodox Church, Irvine, California, where Rev. Fr. Steven Tsichlis is rector.

The theme of the conference is “Renewing the Male and Female Diaconate in the Orthodox Church”.

The keynote address will be given by Rev. Dr. John Chryssagivis, Archdeacon of the Ecumenical Throne, who will speak on the theology, history, and purpose of the diaconate (male and female).

As more details become available they will be posted here and on our Facebook page.

Enthusiastic First Meeting of St. Phoebe Center Southern Chapter

Speakers at St. Phoebe Conference Recap Event (L to R): Dionne Manos, Marilyn Rouvelas, Matushka Alexandra Safchuk, and Christina Jatras.

Speakers at St. Phoebe Conference Recap Event (L to R): Dionne Manos, Marilyn Rouvelas, Matushka Alexandra Safchuk, and Christina Jatras.

The Southern Regional Chapter of St. Phoebe Center hosted a program, “Restoring the Holy Orthodox Tradition of Deaconess” at St. Katherine Greek Orthodox Church, in Falls Church, VA, on May 28, 2015.

Over forty people from Romanian, Greek, OCA, Antiochian, and Russian parishes in the Washington area and Richmond, VA, attended. Participants shared their enthusiasm, concerns and questions in a lively discussion after the presentations.

The conversation and planning next steps will continue on Thursday, July 16, 2015.

Two recaps of recent women deacons conferences were presented: Matushka Alexandra Safchuk (St. Mark Orthodox Church, Bethesda, MD) read the summary prepared by Lena Zezulin (Russian Orthodox Cathedral of St. John, Washington) of the St. Phoebe Center Conference, December 6, 2014, in New York City. Marilyn Rouvelas (St. Katherine Greek Orthodox Church, Falls Church, VA) recapped the conference held by the Center of Ecumenical, Missiological and Environmental Studies in January, 2015 at Thessalonki, Greece.

Christina Jatras and Dionne Manos (Protection of the Holy Mother of God Orthodox Church, Falls Church, VA) who had attended the St. Phoebe New York conference, joined Matushka Alexandra and Marilyn for a panel discussion with the audience. The discussion included concerns about what women deacons could do today to serve and meet the needs of the Church, why the Church stopped ordaining them, what liturgical role women had in the early Church, and whether ordination to the diaconate might lead to ordination to the priesthood. The panelists explained that the ordination of women deacons is not a pathway to priesthood, but a restoration of a historic ministry. It was pointed out that the definitive Inter-orthodox Consultation on “The Place of Women in the Orthodox Church” at Rhodes, Greece, in 1988, concluded that women could not be ordained priests, but could be ordained deacons.

Attendees wanted to know the process for getting women ordained, and it was pointed out that ordination is by a bishop who would need to have the approval of his synod before doing so. One of the benefits of ordination is that a deacon is accountable to the bishop. The discussion showed that this ministry is entering new territory and will entail extensive dialogue among the bishops, priests, deacons, diaconate program directors and laity to determine how these women could serve the church today, the required qualifications, and how they would be educated and trained. The document, Dialogue, not Demands: Engagement Suggestions from St. Phoebe Center was used as a basis for discussion about next steps.

Exploration, discussion and planning will continue at the next meeting on July 16, 2015, in Arlington, VA. For more information on this meeting email mrouvelas at verizon dot net.



Women & Diaconal Ministry Conference Re-cap Held in Columbus, Ohio

Dr. Caren Stayer gave a brief history of the deaconess, various duties she carried out, and theories on why this order fell out of use.

Dr. Caren Stayer gave a brief history of the deaconess, various duties she carried out, and theories on why this order fell out of use.












Very Reverend Fr. Daniel Rentel gave reflections in a passionate and thought-provoking manner, urging the Church to consider how restoration of the female diaconate could provide a much-needed service in today's parishes.

Very Reverend Fr. Daniel Rentel gave reflections in a passionate and thought-provoking manner, urging the Church to consider how the female diaconate could help minister to the needs of God’s people today.







by the Very Reverend Fr. Daniel Rentel

AnnMarie Mecera informs attendees about the conference topics and speakers. She provided updates on other conference re-caps that are scheduled, special interest groups, and other works of the Board.

AnnMarie Mecera informed attendees about topics covered at the conference, and ministries in which many of the speakers are involved. Regional re-caps, such as the one held here, she explained, special interest groups, and a future conference were some of the ideas that came out of discussions at the conference.

Re-cap of Conferences Scheduled in DC Area

“Restoring the Holy Orthodox Tradition of Deaconesses”
Thursday, May 28, 2015
7 pm
St. Katherine Greek Orthodox Church
3149 Glen Carlyn Road
Falls Church, Virginia

Join us for a Pan-Orthodox re-cap
of two recent conferences on deaconesses:
St. Phoebe Center, New York City, Dec., 2014, and
CEMES at the University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Jan., 2015

RSVP & further information: mrouvelas@verizon.net



Women & Diaconal Ministry Conference Re-cap Scheduled in Columbus, Ohio

Re-Cap of “Women & Diaconal Ministry: Past, Present & Future” Conference,
Saturday, May 16 at 4 PM

The conference was originally held December 6, 2014 in Manhattan and hosted by the St. Phoebe Center for the History of the Deaconess.

Join St. Phoebe founder, Ann Marie Mecera, Caren Stayer, PhD (presenter and Board member), with reflections from Fr. Daniel Rentel (Board member), as they review conference presentations and results of discussion sessions.

You are encouraged to familiarize yourself with resources and materials here.


New Resources Now Available from Women & Diaconal Ministry Conference

These resources have also been added to the Women & Diaconal Ministry Conference page

Rejuvenating The Diaconate: Opportunities, Challenges & Steps
(Presentation Transcript) by Teva Regule PhD (candidate)

Altar Service Today (PDF)
by Teva Regule PhD (candidate)

Reclaiming the Tradition of the Church (PDF)
by Fr. Steven Tsichlis

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