Proposed Guidelines for the Revival of the Ordained Female Diaconate in the Orthodox Church Today 

DRAFT 11/12/23

The St. Phoebe Center created the 11/12/23 DRAFT of “Proposed Guidelines for the Revival of the Ordained Female Diaconate in the Orthodox Church Today” over the course of five years and with the input from hierarchs, priests, deacons, and the faithful. The document was published at our tenth anniversary year event “Deaconesses for the Orthodox Church Today” held at Hellenic College Holy Cross, November 10-12, 2023.

We offer the draft “Proposed Guidelines” to the Orthodox Christian community to generate discussion and to move forward together to ordain deaconesses once again. After feedback from the symposium and feedback from subsequent events including the 1/11/24 panel discussion with Ms. Kathryn McCord, Dn. James Wilcox. Ms. Laura Wilson, and Ms. Dina Zingaro), we will be revising and sharing a new draft in 2024.
We welcome your comments and feedback at

I. Introduction and Purpose

Calls to reinstate the ordained order of deaconesses in the Orthodox Church have been issued throughout the world over the past one hundred years with increasing urgency and frequency; from conferences convened by patriarchs, from priests and deacons, from the general laity, and from the Church’s esteemed scholars alike. The historical precedent of deaconesses within the Orthodox Church has been soundly documented, and the pressing pastoral need for a robust diaconate to serve the body of Christ today —both women and men—has been established. Yet, the calls and conversation around deaconesses have not yet produced a picture of what the female diaconate might look like today, or of the process for selecting, preparing, and evaluating deaconesses within the Orthodox Church. 

As our organization’s mission states, “The St. Phoebe Center for the Deaconess educates and prayerfully advocates for the revival of the ordained female diaconate in the Orthodox Church to meet the ministerial needs of the Church and the world today.” We have lived out our mission thus far by holding conferences and webinars, creating and disseminating educational materials, and building relationships with laity and clergy around the broader topic of building up the major order of the ordained diaconate. We understand the specific mission of reviving the order of deaconess as being an integral part of diaconal ministry as a whole.

We offer these “Guidelines to address the existing need for a clear vision of how the order of ordained deaconesses might look today, along with a possible process for its revival. The purpose of this text is to advance the topic, to outline several concrete steps, and to invite further constructive reflection in key areas. This document does not claim to be comprehensive, nor does it intend to be the final word; instead, what follows aims to spark our God-given creativity as a community and to facilitate conversation and action regarding this urgently needed ministry. 

In articulating the guidelines which follow, we have benefited greatly from the document “Introductory Parameters for the Ministry of Ordained Deaconesses in the Orthodox Church” published in March 2019 by Saint Catherine’s Vision, whose work we commend.  We offer our own proposal in the shared spirit of assisting the Church in its ongoing process of discernment and renewal regarding the female diaconate.