Women & Diaconal Ministry Conference Re-cap Held in Columbus, Ohio

Dr. Caren Stayer gave a brief history of the deaconess, various duties she carried out, and theories on why this order fell out of use.

Dr. Caren Stayer gave a brief history of the deaconess, various duties she carried out, and theories on why this order fell out of use.












Very Reverend Fr. Daniel Rentel gave reflections in a passionate and thought-provoking manner, urging the Church to consider how restoration of the female diaconate could provide a much-needed service in today's parishes.

Very Reverend Fr. Daniel Rentel gave reflections in a passionate and thought-provoking manner, urging the Church to consider how the female diaconate could help minister to the needs of God’s people today.







by the Very Reverend Fr. Daniel Rentel

AnnMarie Mecera informs attendees about the conference topics and speakers. She provided updates on other conference re-caps that are scheduled, special interest groups, and other works of the Board.

AnnMarie Mecera informed attendees about topics covered at the conference, and ministries in which many of the speakers are involved. Regional re-caps, such as the one held here, she explained, special interest groups, and a future conference were some of the ideas that came out of discussions at the conference.