Ann Marie Mecera, B.S.,


Ann Marie became passionate about the woman’s role in Orthodoxy after research conducted for a paper she presented at the University(…read more)

Carrie Frederick Frost,

Carrie is a lifelong Orthodox Christian and a scholar of Orthodox theology. She received her doctorate in Theology, Ethics, and Culture (…read more)

Gust Mecera, B.S.,


Prior to retirement, Gust was a construction manager with the McDonald’s Corporation for 30 years. In that position,  (…read more)

Kristina Baktis, MPS, LCAT, ATR-BC, ATCS

Kristina is a board-certified art therapist and credentialed art therapy supervisor. She received her MPS in Art Therapy and (…read more)

Rachel Contos, B.A.

Rachel is a Trinity Fellow at Marquette University, working on her master’s in theology with a specialization in theology (…read more)

Teva Regule, Ph.D.

Teva was raised in the Orthodox Church and has been an active member for all of her life.  For many years she was involved in the work (…read more)

Helen Creticos Theodoropoulos, Ph.D.

Helen has been active in the Orthodox Church and in theological education in various ways for many years. She received a Master’s Degree (…read more)


Metropolitan KALLISTOS of Diokleia

Metropolitan Kallistos (Timothy Ware) is widely known for his writings on the history and worship of the Orthodox Church, (…read more)

Archpriest Very Reverend Father Daniel Rentel

Prior to entering semi-retirement in 2011, Fr. Daniel Rentel was rector of St. Gregory of Nyssa Orthodox Church in Columbus, (…read more)

Deacon Perry T. Hamalis, Ph.D.

Rev. Dr. Perry Hamalis is Cecelia Schneller Mueller Professor of Religion at North Central College (Naperville, IL). In 2015-16, he (…read more)

V. Revd. Professor John Anthony McGuckin


Fr. McGuckin has served as Professor of Byzantine Christianity at Union Theological Seminary (UTS), Department of Religion, Columbia (…read more)

Demetra Jaquet, D.Min

Dr. Demetra (Dee) Velisarios Jaquet, D.Min.,  is retired from 25 years of (…read more)

Valerie A. Karras, Th.D., Ph.D.

Valerie is an adjunct instructor of religion at Lindenwood University.  From 2005 to 2012, she was assistant professor of church (…read more)