Ann Marie Mecera, B.S.,


Ann Marie became passionate about the woman’s role in Orthodoxy after research conducted for a paper she presented at the University of Leeds, and years of involvement in the Orthodox Church. She was convinced that the time was right to build awareness for the historical female diaconate and the potential that existed in restoration of this ordained role.

With a degree in journalism from Ohio University, Ann Marie has worked in the marketing field for 40 years. She has been an independent marketing strategist for over three decades. Ann Marie wrote the religious education manual for pre-schoolers titled “A Way of Life: Introducing Your Children to the Orthodox Faith”, which has been called ‘by far the best resource for introducing pre-schoolers and younger children to the faith.’ She served for nearly 20 years as her parish Lay Vice-Chair, was a member of various OCA task forces, a Pre-Conciliar Commission, the OCA Diocesan Council for the Midwest Diocese, and the OCA Pension Board. Ann Marie also assisted Project Mexico with its Public Relations for several years. She is a Member of the Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology, and Religion (OCAMPR). Ann Marie currently lives outside of Orlando, Florida, and attends St. Stephen the Protomartyr Church where she is a catechist and assists in the parish communications.