Advisory Board
Fr. Radu Bordeianu, PhD
Fr. Radu Bordeianu is an Associate Professor at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh – USA. His research focuses on ecumenical ecclesiologies. He is the author of two monographs entitled, Dumitru Staniloae: An Ecumenical Ecclesiology (2011, Romanian translation 2022), and Icon of the Kingdom of God: An Orthodox Ecclesiology (2023).
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Lori Peterson Branch, PhD
Dr. Lori Peterson Branch is associate professor of Restoration and Eighteenth-Century English Literature at the University of Iowa. She has published widely on literature, religion, and the postsecular, from the fourth-century Sayings of the Desert Fathers to seventeenth-century Dissent, contemporary Gothic novels, and Eastern Orthodoxy.
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Fr. Marc Dunaway
Fr. Marc Dunaway is an archpriest in the Antiochian Archdiocese of North America and pastor of Saint John Orthodox Cathedral in Eagle River, Alaska. With his sons, Benjamin and John Marc, he also directs the Eagle River Institute of Orthodox Christian Studies, held each summer August 1-5.
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Deacon Salvatore ‘Sal’ Fazio
Deacon Sal has been the Diaconate Program Director of Outreach for Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (HCHC) in Brookline Massachusetts since February of 2017. He has been a guest speaker and organizer/supporter of diaconate retreats and events to strengthen diaconate fellowship throughout the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.
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Deacon Perry T. Hamalis, PhD
Rev. Dr. Perry Hamalis is Cecelia Schneller Mueller Professor of Religion at North Central College (Naperville, IL).
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Demetra Jaquet, DMin
Dr. Demetra (Dee) Velisarios Jaquet, D.Min., is retired from 25 years of professional life as a Pastoral Counselor, CPE Supervisor, Spiritual Director, and Adjunct Professor.
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Valerie A. Karras, ThD, PhD
Valerie is an adjunct instructor of religion at Lindenwood University. From 2005 to 2012, she was assistant professor of church history at the Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University.
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Cary J. Limberakis, DDS
Dr. Cary J. Limberakis is the Archon Regional Commander of the Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle, Greater Philadelphia Region. He is a steward of the St. Sophia, Saints Faith, Hope and Agape Greek Orthodox Church in Jeffersonville, PA, and the St. Luke Greek Orthodox Church in Broomall, PA.
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Fr. John Anthony McGuckin, PhD
Fr. McGuckin has served as Professor of Byzantine Christianity at Union Theological Seminary (UTS), Department of Religion, Columbia University, New York since 2002, where he also holds the title of Endowed Senior Chair.
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Paul Meyendroff, PhD
Paul Meyendorff was the Father Alexander Schmemann Professor of Liturgical Theology at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary from 1987 to 2016. He also served as academic dean, associate editor at St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, and editor of St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly.
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Jennifer Nahas
Jennifer Nahas has worked across many sectors – not for profit, private, and public – to strengthen programs and policies that foster resiliency in young people. She co-founded Brigham Nahas Research Associates (BNRA), a Massachusetts firm specializing in evaluation research and data-oriented strategic planning for organizations promoting success for young people in high school, college, and beyond.
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Elizabeth H. Prodromou, PhD
Dr. Elizabeth H. Prodromou is a lifelong Orthodox Christian who draws on her faith as the wellspring of her academic, policy, and practitioner work. Elizabeth is currently a Visiting Scholar in the International Studies Program at Boston College.
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Metropolitan Seraphim of Zimbabwe
His Eminence Seraphim of Zimbabwe was born in Galatis, Cyprus. He felt his calling to serve at an early age and, at 12 years old, was accepted as a novice at the Monastery of Kykkos.
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Fr. Philip Zymaris, PhD
Fr. Philip Zymaris obtained his Th.D. from the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki in the year 2000. He joined the faculty of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in 2005. Since then, he has been teaching in the areas of Liturgics, Sacramental Theology, Rubrics and Canon Law.
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Advisory Board Members of Eternal Memory
Metropolitan KALLISTOS of Diokleia +
Metropolitan Kallistos (Timothy Ware) + is widely known for his writings on the history and worship of the Orthodox Church, and for his work in inter-Christian dialogue.
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Archpriest Very Reverend Father Daniel Rentel +
Prior to entering semi-retirement in 2011, Fr. Daniel Rentel was rector of St. Gregory of Nyssa Orthodox Church in Columbus, Ohio. He is most noted for two distinct contributions to 21st century Orthodoxy: Fr. Dan built his parish into a model of urban existence and outreach.
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