AUDIO RECORDING of Main Presentation by Teva Regule, Ph.D.
The Female Diaconate in the Orthodox Church? The State of the Question

with Randa Karadsheh Anderson, Ph.D.,
Carrie Frederick Frost, Ph.D., Deacon Perry Hamalis, Ph.D.
Why ordination? How can a revived male and female diaconate build up the Body of Christ?
Is NOW the time?

Expanding the Diaconate to Build up the Body of Christ
Randa Karadsheh Anderson, Ph.D.








In 1988, Ecumenical Patriarch Demetrios I convened an International Orthodox consultation in Rhodes, Greece to explore the ministry and Ordination of women in the Orthodox Church. Notable among its concluding recommendations was the call to revive the female diaconate.

In honor of the 30th anniversary of this consultation, this event will summarize the
history of the multiple calls for the revival of the female diaconate, discuss developments in more recent years, and reflect on ways this important ministry can help build up Christ’s Church for today.

Read the document Conclusions of the InterOrthodox Consultation on the Place of the Woman in the Orthodox Church and the Question of the Ordination of Women