In-person Anniversary Symposium: Deaconesses for the Orthodox Church Today

November 10-12, 2023

Maliotis Cultural Center at Hellenic College Holy Cross in Brookline (Boston), MA

50 Goddard Ave, Brookline, MA 02445

The history of the deaconess in the Christian East and the need for women in diaconal ministry today have been amply demonstrated through scores of calls, papers, presentations, and theological discussions. In the past two centuries, many sectors of the Orthodox Church, realizing the need for the diaconate to be restored to its original mission of ministry and service, have appealed for a revival of the entire diaconate including the restoration of the ordained order of deaconess. 

This symposium will briefly review the history and need, but will primarily consider the pragmatics of how the Orthodox Church might welcome women–who comprise more than half of the Church–into the diaconate once again to meet the ministerial needs of the Church and world. Attention will be given to ways all Orthodox Christians might constructively urge the Church to move forward on ordaining deaconesses to build up the entire body of Christ today.

Friday Evening Keynote and Reception

Free of charge, registration required

Saturday Symposium

General Admission – $50

Clergy, clergy wives, senior, student, & hardship – $30

HCHC Student – no fee

Walk-in registration at the conference will be $70

Sunday Liturgy and Lunch

Liturgy followed by lunch and debrief of the symposium.

St. Mary Orthodox Church, Liturgy at 10am

8 Inman St

Cambridge, MA 02139


See below for lodging suggestions.

St. Phoebe Center (SPC) plans to record portions of this symposium by photo, video, and audio. By registering for this event, you consent to SPC  taking, using, reproducing, altering, transforming, and publicizing photographs, audio, or video for publicity, advertising, and promotion.